Now Booking 2024 Courses
We have now begun adding our 2024 courses, and will offer both the 2-day combined “CFSC/CRFSC” courses, along with the single-date CFSC and CRFSC “upgrade” courses.
Courses are booking fast, and our January course is already nearly sold out.

Our flagship course is the combined CFSC/CRFSC, or non-restricted Canadian Firearm Safety Course along with the Canadian Restricted Firearm Safety Course. Day one focuses on commonly available rifles and shotguns used for hunting and sport shooting, while day 2 focuses on handguns.
While there is a “freeze” on purchasing and acquiring handguns for most individuals in Canada now, this type of course is still required for those seeking a restricted firearm licence, or PAL, for employment purposes.
Day 1 is a long day. The minimum instructional period is 8 hours, regardless of class size. Sometimes, a larger class can make things take longer. We generally cap our class size at 10 students, although occasionally we will run courses up to the maximum of 12 that is set by the Chief Firearms Officer for single instructor led courses. The written and practical exams occur afterwards, and will add to the time you need to dedicate to the first day.
However, day 2 is much shorter. The instructional portion is about half the time (minimum of four hours). This is because a lot of the test material comes from the CFSC which you took just a day before. The delay with the handgun course is that the class now must get practice time on just three training aid firearms (instead of five). This means there is some waiting around to get hands on practice, but we make it go as quickly as it can.
Just interested in the non-restricted course? We have that available as a ticket option as well. Just select “CFSC Only” and you only need to show up for one day. This is ideal if you are just interested in trap/skeet shooting, or hunting, or you will be inheriting firearms that do not include any restricted rifles or shotguns, or handguns.
Another benefit is that the CFSC by itself is cheaper – just $210 (plus tax).
CRFSC Upgrade
Many people obtained their non-restricted firearm licence some time ago, and later decide to upgrade it to a licence that allows them to acquire and possess restricted firearms. This could be for employment purposes (CBSA, armoured car guard, other armed security, gun manufacturer or retailer), a desire to get into restricted rifle shooting, or in anticipation of later legislative changes that could allow Canadians to own handguns again.
Whatever your reasons, we offer the CRFSC Upgrade as a stand-alone course. You have to do a longer version of the CRFSC course than most of the students taking a CFSC/CRFSC will need – minimum of 6 hours. We allow you to come 2 hours before the rest of the weekend’s students arrive to take their CRFSC, and that will catch you up on the material you may be rusty on.
Whatever your motivation or reasons, we have a course that is right for you. Check out our course listings below.